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NGA Employee CAC Resources

Step 1 - Setting up for ChomeBook and Chrome OS

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To get started you will need:

  1. CAC
  2. Card reader
  3. Middleware (if necessary, depending on your operating system version)

General: Chrome OS owners have followed the two tutorials listed below and most have been successful to remote access SBU when they created a new Gmail account.

You can get started using your CAC by following these basic steps.

Step 1. Download the three Chrome OS apps that will be needed for SBU Remote Access:

  1. Citrix Workspace App (Version 

  2. SmartCard Connector 

  3. The next is a toss up as to which one works better, CSSI or CACKey but you need one.
    1. CSSI Smart Card Middleware 
    2. CACKey can be downloaded from 


Step 2. Install the DoD Certificates:

  1. Follow the instructions on  site and download and install the DoD Certificates in descending order.
    NOTE: Download and Install the files in this order:
    • RootCert5.p7b
    • RootCert4.p7b
    • RootCert3.p7b
    • RootCert2.p7b
    • and finally, AllCerts.p7b
    by selecting each and clicking OPEN

  2. d. Be sure to select all three trust settings during the import. It is also a good idea to go back into ‘Manage Certificates’ setting and ensure that you have trusted every US Government Certificate by selecting ‘edit’ from the three dots corresponding the certificates.


Recommended CAC reader hardware:

  • SCR3310v2.0
  • uTrust SmartFold SCR3500
  • OMNIKEY 312
  • OMNIKEY 3021
  • F1DN005U
  • F1DN008U

Need Assistance?

If you are having trouble with these steps, please contact the Enterprise Service Center.